I was looking forward to the PLDI StackExchange site, but am dismayed to seee that it has fallen victim to Wadler's law:
In any language design, the total time spent discussing
a feature in this list is proportional to two raised to
the power of its position.
0. Semantics
1. Syntax
2. Lexical syntax
3. Lexical syntax of comments
Indeed, here are the current top questions:
- What are some syntax options for generators?
- Why do most languages prefer complex enum instead of simple enum?
- What are common options for lambda function syntax?
- What are some options for syntax for async/await?
- What are the pros and cons of dynamic scoping?
- What are the syntax options for implementing a ternary "if" operator?
The site should have been called "the concrete syntax of programming languages". I do hope this is just an initial phase, but perhaps there is something we can do to promote the kind of thinking and understanding of programming language design that's actually found at PL conferences and papers. That would presumably do more good to the wider audience than strict adherence to Wadler's law. Or should we just wait until all questions regarding the lexical structure of syntax have been exhausted?